“Den Dybe Tallerken” is a COVID-19-born concept, invented to beat the challenges the pandemic created, but most importantly, it was, and is still, a tribute to life—complex, imperfect, and ever-changing.
Restrictions removed the livelihood of chefs and artists from one day to the next as everything closed down. A week into the first wave of the Pandemic, our first culinary pop-up experience took place. The idea from the beginning was to support chefs, suppliers of organic products, and socially under-stimulated families during the lockdown.
Together with Cucina Autonoma and with help from friends, fans, and free birds from the gastronomic field, we created production after production carefully following the existing restrictions.
#1: “Don’t forget your pot”
#2: “Love in the time of Corona”
#3: “Summer Restaurant”
#4: “Balcony Picnic”
Photography: Louise Bøgeskov Hou, Victor Wersinger, Rasmus Sigvaldi